A downloadable game

In 2064, humanity’s nations fought a 10 year war that eradicated most of the population, and left humanity with a major crisis - after the nuclear weapons, bombs, chemicals, and toxins, Earth was left uninhabitable.

The remaining humans hastily united under the banner of the Federation and in 2076, fled the planet to begin colonising the Solar System. During their expansion, however, they encountered an alien race known as the Khaalix, and they did not like the humans at all.

Despite numerous attempts at diplomacy, war inevitably started in 2123 after human heads were seen on pikes overlooking the Federation’s main city on Venus, “Terra Prime”.
Game Description PRIMUS

In this game, you play as the General of the Federation’s Forces that cover Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury. You must defend against the Khaalix’s attacks, and drive them out of Federal territory for good, or face the extinction of the human race.


PRIMUS is a Competitive DCCG taking place in the aforementioned narrative story. 

Players must compete against an AI opponent in 1v1 card battles. Players will either play as the General of the Federation’s Forces or the Underking of the Khaalix Horde. 

Players will use decks of 15 unique cards and be able to take turns placing their cards, using their cards, special abilities, and more to defeat the enemy. The first to play is randomly selected (though if it is a PvCPU match, the player will always go first). 

The second to play player will be granted an additional Mineral Deposit to make up for not going first for balancing purposes. Both players will be given three cards randomly from their deck. 

Each round, they will be given an additional card. They can place as many cards as they can afford, and once the cards have been active for a round, they will switch from “planning mode” to “active mode” and be ready to attack each turn. 

 Note there is a 10 hand limit. If your hand exceeds 10 cards, it will destroy the newest card. You must use your cards.

Cards are broken down into the following types:

  • Pawn/Minion - this is a card that will stay on the field until destroyed, and will have an attack available every turn.
  • Environment - this is a special card that can alter the environment such as adding acid rain, gas storms, magnetic disturbances, or lightning strikes. Each applying debuffs and buffs depending on the cards in play.
  • Khaos Storm/OLI (Khaos Cards) - the Khaos card will destroy all active cards in play including friendly cards. For the Federation this is using the OLI (Orbital Laser-based Incinerator) to incinerate everything within the field’s radius, and for the Khaalix this is the Khaos Storm which summons a deadly storm to devastate the field.
  • Active Ability - this is an ability that the player can choose to spend some of their minerals on. Doing so will allow for their ability to be cast instantly on the target.
  • Passive Ability - this is an ability that the player will have passively throughout the game. For Khaalix this is the “Burrowers Bargain” ability which has a chance of granting an additional mineral each round. For the Federation this is the “Last Stand” ability which upon reaching 25% health or lower will increase all unit’s health and damage by 10%.

There are several game modes to choose from:

  • Story mode - this game mode pits the player against AI controlled CPUs in a story line following the human defence of Venus from the Khaalix. There is no time limit, and the game can be paused.
  • CPU mode - this game mode pits the player against an AI controlled CPU. There is no time limit, and the game can be paused.
  • Multiplayer/Clash mode - this game mode pits the player against another player. There is a time limit of 10 minutes, and the game cannot be paused.

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